Cattle Refund

Did you know that you can get $1 per cow beef assessment back?

California Cattle Council Refund Application

IMPORTANT: Council law requires all refund applications, including proper form of payment, to be postmarked no later than 90 days after the date of the brand inspection or payment of the assessment, whichever date is later. One refund application may be submitted for assessments paid on multiple lots of cattle sold within the 90-day window. Proof of payment must be provided for each lot equaling the total amount requested to be refunded on the application. Incomplete applications will not be processed. PDF copies of refund applications can be submitted at [email protected] or by USPS. Mailing address can be found in the signature block below.

 Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns while completing the application.

Anne Jungwirth
California Cattle Council
1111 16th Street | Sacramento, CA 95814

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