
CDFA Still Refuses to Answer Dairymen’s Questions

Sep 23, 2021

CDFA has refused repeatedly to answer questions about the referendum process on the Sunset. They have refused to verify the Petition signers list, and verify the actual votes received? They refused the milk industry requests for transparency, and they also cannot come up with the actual list of dairymen they claim that are eligible to vote. If they cannot do that, then who are they charging the $.38 and who are they paying the $1.70 to.

Numerous Dairymen did not receive a ballot on the Sunset, and one dairyman really got the shaft from CDFA in particular. He just bought a 5000 plus dairy months before the vote deadline, but was not allowed to vote in the referendum? Not only did he get the shaft, so did all the supporters of the Sunset. He probably had enough milk to put the referendum in the victory column for the Sunset.

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