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October 25, 2021
We Are Retracting Our Vierra Story
Our apologies to our next alleged Secretary of Agriculture Matt Swanson of Associated Feeds. We reported his daughters purchase of one cow for $355,000 for Vierra Dairy in Hilmar after she gave a declaration against Stop QIP telling of the hard times they are experiencing in the dairy business. Well, we reported it wrong. Not only did they buy Oakfield Solomon Footloose for $355,000, but they have over the last few years purchased Bri-Lin Valson Spritz
(Valson), Summer Breeze Tequila Gayle (Tequila), Morningmist Joel Iveena (Joel), Milk & Honey Vaden Fern, Sunlight, and a $24,000 calf called Arethusa Andreas and they are estimated to be worth a combined $1,000,000. If they call these hard times, can you imagine what good times means for the Swanson Family? This is the same family that takes thousands of dollars away from you and use it to stop you from getting to vote for a termination of this unfair and illegal tax.
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Past QIP Updates
Good News - Petitions are Coming in Fast!
September 26, 2021 | Thank you for your response of getting us your petition’s back. We will get those Petitions in right away, and then we will start the process to have the referendums right away also. We are praying that we get this over before we lose anymore dairymen…..
Speaking of CDFA - Stop Already!!!
September 25, 2021 | Remember the PRB board meeting and StopQIP made the motion to suspend the $.36 cwt. tax for six months to give the dairy industry a little relief in this Coved disaster? And one by one the Board members paraded by the microphone …
Good News from Sacramento
September 24, 2021 | Another rule you don’t have to follow. If you purchased or sold quota in the last two years, and you want to either sell or buy, we have good news for you. You don’t have to wait the two years, because all you have to do is on the quota transfer form, where it ask you whether you have purchased …
CDFA Still Refuses to Answer Dairymen’s Questions
September 23, 2021 |CDFA has refused repeatedly to answer questions about the referendum processon the Sunset. They have refused to verify the Petition signers list, and verify the actual votes received? They refused the milk …
United Dairy Families' Sunset Plan is Our Best Bet
March 23, 2021 | In 2019, United Dairy Families of California (UDFC) was created with the purpose of providing an alternative option to – what was our first choice – the outright, immediate termination of the Quota Implementation Plan. In June 2020, after initiating a multi-phased, producer involved process …
And now for the rest of the story...
March 12, 2021 | Instead of appealing to the entitled few with phrases like “preserve your equity”, the Favored 300 ought to just come out and say, “vote no, so we can continue taking your money every month for the rest of your life” because the reality is .…
Quota Q&A: Insight Into Upcoming Producer Referendum
March 1, 2021 | By Geoff Vanden Heuvel – There was some news this week on the upcoming referendum on the Quota Sunset Proposal. The United Dairy Families of California (UDFC) group, which petitioned for the referendum…
Judge says dairymen must be allowed to vote!
Dec 2020 |This is a huge victory for the Stop QIP coalition. Click on the link below to see the full article and let us know if you have any questions.
Referendum denied, lawsuit hearing this Friday
July 2020 | Yesterday, the Administrative Law Judge who heard the Chapter 3.5 Petition issued his decision recommending that the Secretary deny STOP QIP’s Petition for a referendum to Suspend Chapter 3.5.
The CDFA will be holding a required hearing
March 2020 | Our latest signature gathering drive resulted in success! The CDFA will be holding the required hearing on April 7-8 in Visalia. We will keep you updated on that important event.
Dairy Families' 5 year sunset plan
February 2020 | Follow the link below to see the CDFA letter from the Regional Representatives in reponse to our proposal that was send on February 11, 2020.
United Dairy Families Proposal denied!
February 2020 |The termination petition turned into CDFA last week by United Dairy Families, WUD, MPC, CDI, DFA, LoLakes and CDC, which called for a 5-year Sunset was denied by Secretary Ross last Friday…
Breaking News: Big-Quota holders' proposal rejected by State
February 2020 |Last Friday, February 14, the state of California quickly rejected a proposal sent by the big Quota holders receiving millions of dollars per month from the QIP…
Important Update concerning the lawsuit
March 2020 |We received great news Wednesday and it looks like we are headed for the big win that we have been waiting for, recognizing that the devil is in the details. We can’t celebrate quite yet…
Copy of Lawsuit Filed
December 2019 | Click the button below to view the full lawsuit that the Stop QIP Tax Coalition filed against the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
Copy of Letter to Karen Ross
October 2019 | This firm represents A.J. Bos and STOP QIP, a California dairy farmer unincorporated association. Even as they seek eventual termination of quota in California, Mr. Bos and STOP QIP…
Share the Petition
August 2019 | We would like to thank you again for your support as we work toward ending the Quota Implementation Plan (QIP)! We have received hundreds of petitions once again…
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