In 2019, United Dairy Families of California (UDFC) was created with the purpose of providing an alternative option to – what was our first choice – the outright, immediate termination of the Quota Implementation Plan. In June 2020, after initiating a multi-phased, producer involved process, United Dairy Families submitted a petition to CDFA to sunset the QIP by March 1, 2025. Stop QIP actively participated in these producer lead discussions and opposed any long-term “sunsetting” of the QIP. Our coalition’s goal all along has been to put an end to the monthly confiscation of our hard earned money. Only after the UDFC’s petition was approved for recommendation by an administrative law judge and given final approval by Secretary Ross, did the Stop QIP Dairy Tax Coalition acquiesce to this current 5-year Sunset Plan. You can read read more about UDFC’s plan here. We are excited about this opportunity to seek ultimate termination of the QIP. Stop QIP does encourage you to vote YES on this because, as it stands now, this is our only option to put an expiration date on an outdated program that is costing California dairy families MILLIONS of dollars every month. See below for excellent information regarding dairy farmers’ early sentiments regarding a Sunset Plan. This graph is taken from Marin Bozic’s presentation at the Phase IV Farm Show Meeting. You can watch the entire thing here – Marin’s explanation of the below charts starts at about 39:16. Stay informed, Stop QIP Dairy Tax |
United Dairy Families’ Sunset Plan is out Best Bet

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