
Good News from Sacramento

Sep 24, 2021

News Update_Good News

Another rule you don’t have to follow. If you purchased or sold quota in the last two years, and you want to either sell or buy, we have good news for you. You don’t have to wait the two years, because all you have to do is on the quota transfer form, where it ask you whether you have purchased or sold quota in the last two years – Mark the box no and if anyone asks if you did that on purpose, just say no I didn’t understand the question. Because you should lose your quota you are transferring because the rules say that if you give false information on the Quota transfer form, you lose your quota. Now there is one catch, you must be a quota holder to get that break. If you are a non-quota holder no such luck. As we were told by the PRB Board. A rule is a rule and there is nothing they can do about granting a hardship to skip that rule of waiting for 2 years. Two out- standing dairymen were denied the privilege of selling their quota earlier than 2 years, in fact they were the first 2 not to be granted a hardship in the last 5 years. But today CDFA issued a finding for a lucky dairyman who filled out the report incorrectly and was till granted the right to sell his quota anyways and then get a bunch of quota for free. As Matt Swanson would say, it isn’t who you know in this world that counts, maybe we got that wrong – someone said, it is who you pay in this world, that counts.

News Update_Good News

Whatever, isn’t Matt Swanson a great Republican, no Democrat, no a RepCrat, Associated Feeds.

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