
Historic Ruling by the Appellate Court

Feb 17, 2022

The QIP was not ruled illegal because it failed to have a hearing as required by Section 62616 of Chapter 3 of Division 21 of the Food and Ag Code.  This will change, 50 years of legal statutory construct, of the necessity of having a hearing , anytime you want to amend or terminate any statutes or regulations in the  Food and Ag Code or any Codes in California. 

What does that mean for StopQIP?  It means we do not have to have hearings on our two petitions that we have sitting on the Secretaries desk or for the four others we will be turning in to the Secretary in the next two years.  This should save us a cumulative two years in time, that we would have had to spent in hearings.

Although we are shocked that this Court would make such a Bold Ruling like this, and we are sure a higher court will throw it out, but for the time being, we are going to take advantage of this new law.  It is nice to get a win.


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