The News You Need to Know
Part of fighting the QIP Tax is staying connected to the latest news. Below you will find the latest articles and information regarding our effort to stop the QIP tax!
February 16, 2024
How does demand fit into the price equation?
By Andrew Novakovic, Cornell University
Posted at Hoard’s Dairyman
Cheese sales, across the board, are substantial and continuing on a long trend of positive growth. On the other hand, fluid milk sales fell off the table in 2010 and show scant signs of recovery. There are ongoing and new conversations underway to see if sales of fluid milk can be revived.
Everyone seems to be in love with butter again. And fancy coffee drinks have done almost as much for creamers as they have for coffee beans. Milk and whey powder exports are a bit up and down, but by and large, they have been a huge part of the U.S. expansion into world markets.
Yogurt boomed with the advent of Greek style yogurts. Sales have been a bit variable in recent years, but total sales remain much higher than 10 or 20 years ago.
One of the amazing attributes of milk is that it can be used to make a wide variety of food products with a great diversity of uses. Each of these dairy foods is valuable and plays a role in shaping how much milk can be produced and at what price.
Let’s look at some specific examples…
News Archives
Critics Cite “Georgia-Style” Tactics by CDFA in QIP Referendum
May 2021 | By Pete Hardin, from The Milkweed | Grade A dairy producers in California are currently in the final few weeks of United Dairy Families Sunset referendum during which they may vote to continue, or sunset, that state’s Quota Implementation Program ...
Politics Thick in QIP Fight, CDFA Announces Referendum
February 2021 | By Pete Hardin, from The Milkweed | During his rough-and-tumble years in California, Mark Twain wrote: “Whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting.”…
Producer Tells CA FMMO: Stop Deducting Unauthorized QIP Assessment
January 2020 | “Chino, California dairy producer Craig Gordon has elevated his battle against the state’s Quota Implementation Program (QIP) to a higher authority: the California Federal Milk Order (#51)…
Stop QIP's Latest Thrust v. California's "Milk Quota Tax"
December 2020 | “The words of an attorney for the California Department of Food and Agriculture clearly admits that the “tax” to fund payments to quota holders in that state did not follow proper precedues…
Craig Gordon Details QIP Battle, Producer's Frustrations in California
October 2020 | “Despite some setbacks, efforts by the group of California dairy producers continue to try to overturn the Quota Implementation Plan (QIP). That’s the administrative mechanism by which …
Politics Getting Thick in California's 'Stop QIP' Effort
February 2020 | “The battle involving efforts by 350 California dairy producers to terminate that state’s Quota Implememtation Program (QIP) has become white-hot in the past couple months…
'Stop QIP' Effort in California Gaining Steam
November 2019 | “Dairy producers in California targeting the state’s milk quota program for ‘retirement’ have re-targeted their legal challenges …
Unrest in Golden State: Challenge $1.1 Bil. Quota System
November 2018 | “Sources in California report that a nucleus of dairy producers has started circulating a petition seeking signatures of state dairy producers in an effort to force state officials …
Farmdale Creamery Letter
November 2018 | Read this article written by Scott D. Hofferber, CFO of Farmdale Creamery. He gives his opinion on the quota in his own words …
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