You Thought We Were Kidding!

The QIP is not a regulation according to the California Public Law search. And the coops are still taking your money. And WUD are stilling giving you a line of bull about fairness and democracy.

Current Action

What is a billion?

Every 6.3 years we give the quota holders 1 billion dollars… learn more!

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We currently have the original complaint and the motion for a Summary Adjudication. 

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Important QIP News

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It was a great week for Stop QIP as we got a win against the CDFA in Court! 

Looking to see the petitions we have filed? click below to see all our petitions.

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Why does QIP need to be stopped?

The Quota Implementation Program (QIP) is an entitlement program that provides an unfair pricing advantage to the “Favored 300” dairymen.

Join us in fighting the unfair QIP Tax!

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Latest QIP Updates

CDFA Misses 30-Day Limit to Report QIP Results

CDFA Misses 30-Day Limit to Report QIP Results

January 10, 2025 was the deadline to conclude voting by California’s Grade A dairy producers on a referendum to alter the state’s Quota Implementation Program (QIP). QIP is the mechanism that governs California’s controversial system of dairy farm-based milk quotas....

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Quota Referenda & Legal Challenge Fracture Calif. Producers

Quota Referenda & Legal Challenge Fracture Calif. Producers

by Pete Harding Orginally printed in the January 2025 issue of The Milkweed - Issue No. 544 If the devastation from avian influenza hammering California’s milk industry wasn’t a big enough issue, dairy producers in the Golden State are now split over a bedrock...

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February 13, 2024

QIP Hardship

To Whom It May Concern,

I write today to urgently address an egregious injustice that has plagued our livelihood as a first-generation dairy producer. The deduction of QIP from our milk check has placed an overwhelming financial burden upon me and my family, leaving us socially disadvantaged and trapped in a cycle of inequity.

The quota system was implemented long before my time, forcing us to deduct $9,029.00 from our monthly milk proceeds continually. Even attempts to compensate for this loss by increasing milk production result in further deductions, leaving us in perpetual financial instability. 

Despite our tireless efforts, our earnings consistently fall below the cost of operating our business. It costs our business $21.00 to operate, and our pay price has been $17.00 per hundredweight gross. Each month, our equity decreases, and our hopes for financial stability are lost as we cannot afford to purchase quota to close the gap. This has left us at a financial disadvantage to those with greater financial means.

Moreover, this is a form of “taxation without representation,” providing no tangible benefit in return. While struggling to meet our tax obligations at the state, federal, and county levels, we endure the burden of the quota tax assessment, which totals $108,348.00 per year or a staggering $1,083,480.00 over a decade…

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